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What We Learned at FILO 2024


Church technology professionals inspire us.  Many churches are working so hard to create engaging worship experiences; and it is a major motivation for us and an honor to serve Churches across the US.


Coming Up for Air at FILO

Many Church tech professionals are going it alone because of demanding schedules, lean staff, and strained resources. We could see the ‘coming up for air’ at FILO, and we are grateful for FILO’s role each year in making that possible and supporting the production tribe. At the same time, we encourage churches to carve time to connect with other churches in your area; reach out when resources are strained; and build a relationship with an AVL Integrator who can work ‘on it’ while your team is busy working ‘in it.’ These things can be the difference!


We Are a People Business First!  

We talked with over a hundred churches, and remain convinced that as you decide your tech journey; there is enormous value in consulting church tech peers who have been where you are, and who can encourage you in your journey. Pick up the phone, send an email, and you will be met halfway by others who get it and get you. As an integrator, one of our favorite things is connecting churches with each other, and then seeing relationships flourish. We are ALL in the people business. Let’s keep the spirit of the FILO community alive this year in our communities. Take the first step, and see what God does!

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5 Ways to Make your Church Audiovisual Systems Volunteer-Ready


Audiovisual (AV) systems, from sound setups to projectors and lighting, are crucial for enhancing both the worship experience and the engagement of every member of your congregation. But the real success of any church event hinges on the smooth operation of that AV system.

Investing in a new AV system might seem like a significant step towards creating more engaging experiences and connecting with your congregation on a deeper level. Yet, the effectiveness of this technology is ultimately determined by the capability of the people managing it. This is why ensuring that your staff or volunteers are adequately prepared and trained to use the system is paramount.

Rather than pouring resources into complex technology, focus on making your church AV systems volunteer-friendly. Here are five ways to equip your volunteers for success and elevate the worship experience at your church.

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